The word no!

The word no!

My one year old learned a new word the other day.


Spoken clearly. Spoken in context. Spoken to ME.

Combine it with her cute little finger, not so cutely wagging at me.


They say your child learns by listening and watching your every word and action. 

So obviously, that sent me spiraling down the world of mama doubt.  

“Am I saying no too much?” 

“Do I really wag my finger?” 

“Am I a helicopter mama?” 

“Oh. My. God. I am my mother.”

Immediately I turn to my trusted source for parenting advice. Insta-parenting.

Totally evidence-based, definitely peer reviewed. Whatever. I skim through quickly. 

  • Acknowledge big feelings (check)
  • Give reasons for (check)
  • Set boundaries (check)

Ok, I do all of this already. So what the f’uh.

And then, there it was...

“No, no, no. Don’t climb the stairs.”

Enters handsome husband.

Ahh. Hmmm. I see. 

Author: By yours Truly,


"A nurse by day, mama all the time and sometimes I sneak in wifey (handsome husband makes cameo appearances). Laugh, cry and roll your eyes with me as I stumble through this thing called mommy-ing.

Welcome to MOM*ish"

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